The 411

I realized not too long ago that I’m no longer allowed any secrets. I’m a writer, a blogger, and I don’t have the right to pick and choose what information, which embarrassing stories to keep to myself. Because, really, if I can’t be honest with my readers, I certainly can’t be honest with myself, and this blog would be all for naught. 

On my site, you will never see anyone's real name (except on rare occasions when I'm given permission to explain the origin of the nickname). Originally I had planned to give everyone a name that sounds similar to their real one. But GFK told me one day, “Call me The Pollack.” That didn't stick obviously, but it got me thinking about nicknames, and from there they (mostly) came easily. And I like them.

I wish I could take credit for the website’s name, but I can’t. I was sitting at the computer one day, applying for a job and laughing hysterically when Mom asked Dad, "What's she laughing at?" Dad answered, "Herself." And he's right. I was applying for a position in the creative writing field, and I was in the process of redefining an existing word, after tweaking it a tad. I wish I could remember what it was (the original word was "persnickety"), but that memory is lost to me.

At any rate, I chose the name because it defines me. I laugh a lot, especially at myself, because I don't have much spare time to spend feeling embarrassed. Plus, it’s straightforward, like me, like my writing. Don’t get me wrong, I want my readers to be active thinkers, but I never want to boggle anybody. Unless it’s with sheer awesomeness.

That being said, in this blog you will find a slew of stories of self-discovery, from religion to love, family to school, memories to future ambitions. As I said in my "About Me" section: I am very ambivalent, but the two things that have stuck with me are writing and an overwhelming desire to travel, and this is the place where those two constants come together. I’m sure my other interests will make frequent cameos, but the focus is self-discovery through travel and memoir writing.

So proceed with caution, and feel free to laugh at any time.

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