28 September, 2012

Girls Only: Product Reviews (September)

Throughout the years, I've noticed a huge trend in my self-esteem: I feel most beautiful when I use beauty products that are worth every shiny penny. Specifically, what my hair smells and feels like has a huge effect on my overall happiness, which is very likely why I'm drawn to expensive products. If I can feel beautiful simply by washing my hair with a specific product, isn't it worth it to spend the money on?

Shampoo: $46 / litre
Conditioner: $67.50 / litre

Because I'm going to end up buying these products anyway, I've decided to make use of that monetary loss by posting a product review every month. To define "product," I mean anything that can be found in the bathroom, specifically in the shower. And, simply because I'm addicted, chap stick counts too. This month, I've gone and done something super spiffy totally on accident: I chose a product perfect for the end of September! What better way to welcome autumn than with a shampoo and conditioner that reminds me of fallen leaves?

Down the street from where I lived in Oshkosh was Salon Mode, a beautification sanctuary overflowing with Aveda products and amazing stylists. I visited the same stylist for the 5 years I lived there, and I always walked out elated, feeling my absolute best. Between my first and last visit to the salon, my money situation fluctuated greatlyaddicted as I was to the Aveda products, for the majority of the time I was living in Oshkosh, I was unable to afford Aveda, let alone regular haircuts! Every once in a while I'd splurge on an 8.5 fl oz bottle of Aveda's brilliant™ shampoo and conditioner, fall in love all over again, and mourn my dusty bank account. 

In early September I decided to put an end to the silliness of my Aveda-less shower and order whatever I wanted from the web site. I now have those huge bottles of brilliant™ shampoo and conditioner, and I also ordered a sample-sized rosemary mint shampoo that I'm very excited to try.

Another pro: shiny, healthy-
looking hair even when you're
overdue for a trim!

Aveda has a lot going for them with their brilliant™ line. Not only are the bottles earth-friendly, the shampoo and conditioner also bathe your hair in nourishing, plant-derived ingredients that relieve your scalp and locks of everyday build-up and impurities. But it's super gentle, too, so it leaves your hair feeling silky instead of stripped. Even though Aveda's products are pricey, they eliminate the need for leave-in conditioners during the post-shower/pre-styling regimen. (Please note that this doesn't mean I won't be using a leave-in product eventually. I already have one in my online shopping cart....) This is a miraculous circumstance considering I have a very hard time finding a conditioner I like. Some conditioners are really runny, and others are so thick it's like putting lotion on your hair, which leaves my scalp greasy in less than 24 hours.

This product also smells phenomenal, hence the comment about falling leaves. I wouldn't define the earthy scent as "strong" so much as "long-lasting." It will stick with you for hours after you use it, reminding you of the great service you've done for your hair.

To end this post, I'm going to share a tip with you that I wish I'd had the common sense to figure out like 20 years ago.

Unfortunately for those of us who hate having their hair pulled, most companies that manufacture styling tools create their hair brushes in two separate pieces: the handle, and the section that holds the bristles (which I'll call the "head" for lack of a known technical term). This is a stupid practice, because that little crevice where the handle meets the head is the perfect place for your hair to get caught, causing it to tangle, pull and breakwhich causes pain and frizzies! I bought the brown brush because it was manufactured as one piece and doesn't snag my hair. However, it is a combination of cushion and round brush (short nylon bristles and long plastic bristles), and because I have very thick hair the short bristles keep it from passing completely through and leaves my hair tangled. Plus, I don't really think the short bristles add/enhance shine or any of that jazz they advertised. If you can avoid it, try not to buy a brush that has two segments. It can be damaging and painful.

Next time I post a "Girls Only: Product Review," expect to read about either the rosemary mint shampoo, or a new face wash and lotion. Or maybe both!

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